понедельник, 10 марта 2008
free her mind she's always the analyst
воскресенье, 09 марта 2008
Per aspera ad astra!
Кто-нибудь в курсе где можно достать саундтреки к 4-му и 5-му сезону?
free her mind she's always the analyst
March 07, 2008
1.) When the show ends, what will you miss most?
Ask me again, when the show is officially over.
2.) Why do you think Shane is "drawn" to Molly?
Because she is a chase and bites back. It represents strength. That's always attractive.
3.) Do you enjoy learning the American Sign Language? Was it hard to learn and communicate with Marlee Matlin?
Like I said in the last answer [of the episode Q/A], I love it. And it was something I picked up on a lot quicker than I thought I would. Marlee was wonderful in her instructions. And made it seem very simple. What I gathered was that the signs for most actions are reflective to the action itself. That's how I remembered so much. It fascinates me.
4.) What 'essential items' do you always have in your trailer during filming?
A pillow, blanket, toothbrush, movies.
February 22, 2008
1.) Does Shane still surprise you after all these years in her skin?
Sometimes. When she's not being a sex machine. And actually is put in trying circumstances. I'm always curious to see how it will be handled.
2.) What is your professional schedule for the next months to come?
I don't really know yet. The strike has halted a lot of things.
3.) You said several times that you like Jenny's storyline. Is there a character or storyline of a character that you do not like?
Any storyline that doesn't have a solid foundation is tedious to me. I'll leave it at that.
4.) Are you a superstitious person? If so, what superstitions do you believe in?
I'm deeply superstitious. Always have been. I'm always knocking on wood.
1.) When the show ends, what will you miss most?
Ask me again, when the show is officially over.
2.) Why do you think Shane is "drawn" to Molly?
Because she is a chase and bites back. It represents strength. That's always attractive.
3.) Do you enjoy learning the American Sign Language? Was it hard to learn and communicate with Marlee Matlin?
Like I said in the last answer [of the episode Q/A], I love it. And it was something I picked up on a lot quicker than I thought I would. Marlee was wonderful in her instructions. And made it seem very simple. What I gathered was that the signs for most actions are reflective to the action itself. That's how I remembered so much. It fascinates me.
4.) What 'essential items' do you always have in your trailer during filming?
A pillow, blanket, toothbrush, movies.
February 22, 2008
1.) Does Shane still surprise you after all these years in her skin?
Sometimes. When she's not being a sex machine. And actually is put in trying circumstances. I'm always curious to see how it will be handled.
2.) What is your professional schedule for the next months to come?
I don't really know yet. The strike has halted a lot of things.
3.) You said several times that you like Jenny's storyline. Is there a character or storyline of a character that you do not like?
Any storyline that doesn't have a solid foundation is tedious to me. I'll leave it at that.
4.) Are you a superstitious person? If so, what superstitions do you believe in?
I'm deeply superstitious. Always have been. I'm always knocking on wood.
суббота, 08 марта 2008
она же Deep~Angel,она же Дайки.
Как до сих пор здесь нет поздравления с 8 МАРТА.Ну так вот оно.
Всю прекрасную половину человечества поздравляю с этим праздником.Улыбайтесь,будьте счастливы и любите друг друга.

Всю прекрасную половину человечества поздравляю с этим праздником.Улыбайтесь,будьте счастливы и любите друг друга.

четверг, 06 марта 2008
она же Deep~Angel,она же Дайки.
воскресенье, 02 марта 2008
Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
четверг, 21 февраля 2008
Если мы вам не подходим,вы нам на хуй не нужны!!!
помогите мне пожалуйста...я компьтерное чмо
я ничего не могу скачать.. можт кто -нибудь мне кинет (ну по асе например,или по почте)4 сезон(он у меня на английском языке), и 5 те серии кот вышли...плиззз

среда, 20 февраля 2008
Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
dopotopnoe video ..................

понедельник, 18 февраля 2008
lady with the flashing eyes..
у меня честно скачано 7 серий 5-го сезона...но посмотрела я только первую пока - совсем нет времени!
вот сейчас у меня скачалась 7-я...я включила проверить нормальный ли файл и...о боже...наткнулась под конец серии на чудесные сцены - бои в чем-то скользком...промотала по-быстрому...
скажите те, кто посмотрел уже 7-ю серию, НЕУЖЕЛИ ДЖЕННИ ПРИШЛА В СЕБЯ??????????????
она вернулась с небес на землю???
вот сейчас у меня скачалась 7-я...я включила проверить нормальный ли файл и...о боже...наткнулась под конец серии на чудесные сцены - бои в чем-то скользком...промотала по-быстрому...
скажите те, кто посмотрел уже 7-ю серию, НЕУЖЕЛИ ДЖЕННИ ПРИШЛА В СЕБЯ??????????????
она вернулась с небес на землю???
lady with the flashing eyes..
качаем тута www.mininova.org/tor/1179708
среда, 13 февраля 2008
ja dymau, 4to vse znaut 4to y Leishi est svoja gryppa UH HUH HER........dostato4no popyljarnaja na prostranstve Severnoi i Uznoi Americi

вторник, 12 февраля 2008

Get on the train, Pretty!

Вопрос: На сколько вас бесит Дженни?
1. Бесит | 14 | (23.33%) | |
2. Очень бесит | 6 | (10%) | |
3. Мега бесит | 14 | (23.33%) | |
4. ААА я ее ненавижжуу!! | 13 | (21.67%) | |
5. she's so cuuute ^__^ | 13 | (21.67%) | |
Всего: | 60 |
понедельник, 11 февраля 2008
Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
есть таки справидливость в этом мире...

Tina & Bette... таки ДА... и КАК...

з.ы. убейте кто нить эту писательницу... люди добрые, не хватает уже ж терпения на это смотреть...
з.ы. а Кармен
не видно неслышно 

з.ы. убейте кто нить эту писательницу... люди добрые, не хватает уже ж терпения на это смотреть...
з.ы. а Кармен

Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
суббота, 09 февраля 2008
February 08, 2008
1.) About the scene with the bride in episode 2, when you made this improvisation line " you really remain me someone i used to know a lot" - which is very very great, there are a lot of feelings in it - I would like to know, who is this person? Some people think it's Dana and some people think it's Carmen. So for you, who is it and how did you get this idea to say that line?
Katherine: It was a reference to Carmen. It just kinda came out because the woman playing the bride looked like Sarah a bit. It would have been a missed opportunity to not somehow address it. I've been waiting to acknowledge that whole wedding ditch thing and that seemed to fit in there. Just to prove Shane hasn't completely forgotten what had happened.
2.) What good films or documentaries have you recently seen that make you think different about life or work?
Katherine: I just saw once, La vie en rose and A mighty heart. For me, those films proved that amongst all this popcorn entertainment, there are things out there with a heartbeat. That's inspiring to me.
3.) What's the best advice anyone has ever given you?
Katherine: Start a pension as soon as you can.
4.) What album will you never grow tired of listening to?
Katherine: Hmmm... either Madonna's like a virgin or Patti Smith's horses.
5.) Would you classify yourself as an introvert or extrovert?
Katherine: Both. Depends on the day.