вот сидела сейчас ковыряла свой рабочий компьютер...нашла один файл...диалоги из серий четвертого сезона....)))
мне нравится вот этот момент очень...
:: L A Y U P ::
read it[Playing Basketball]
Papi: I'm gonna cover you.
Shane: Okay.
Papi: So, you're my competition, Vanilla.
Shane: Whatever you say, Pops.
Papi: What you doing, Rodeo Drive?
Bette: Shopping, Bitch.
Alice: Are we at The Planet right now? I don't think so.
Jenny: No, but I told you not to throw it to me.
Papi: But I will still kick your micro ass.
Shane: Yeah okay, Dad.
Jenny: Bette.
Bette: What?!
Jenny: You're scaring me.
Bette: Ball in!
Papi: Don't be mad, Brown Barbie.
Bette: Who the fuck you calling "Brown Barbie?" You fucking Carmelita Tropicana.
Helena: Will somebody tell me when basketball became the new lesbian sport.
Alice: It always has been.
[about Shane]: I told you she was perfect.