Стали известны события всех 12 эпизодов 4-го сезона... подумайте, хотите ли в их узнать)... а воще, если вы нифига не понимаете на невеликом и немогучем)английском, то можете смело читать)
Ep 4.1 Legend in the makingAs Season 4 opens on THE L WORD, Bette, fearing the worst, flees with baby Angelica. The girls rally together to stage an intervention to prevent Tina from having Bette arrested, however there's one big problem - no one knows where Bette is.
Divorce lawyer Joyce Wischnia (Jane Lynch) brokers a tentative custody settlement between Bette and Tina in order to spare them a very lengthy, very public and very controversial court case.
A pregnant Kit and Angus make a tough decision and go to a Women's Health Care Center and instead of getting non-judgmental medical attention, Kit comes face to face with ultra right-wing pro-lifers.
After running out on Carmen at the altar, Shane gets reeled back into the highlife with Cherie Jaffe (Rosanna Arquette). After binging on drugs and alcohol, Shane spirals out of control as she takes off in Cherie's Jaguar and crashes it on the Santa Ana Freeway.
Jenny's book signing party at The Planet is interrupted when in walks Marina.
After Peggy Peabody (Holland Taylor) decides to cut the purse strings to the family's fortune, Helena wrestles with trying to deal with her new financial reality. She turns to Alice who attempts to make her live within her newly defined budget which is much less than what she's been accustomed to.
Max and Jenny come to realize that what once brought them together is no longer true as they try to
understand the consequences of Max's FTM transition.
After Shane's father walks out on his wife, Carla (Sarah-Jane Redmond) decides to visit Shane and disappear into the night, leaving little brother Shay (Aidan Jarrar) sleeping on her back porch.
Ep 4.2 Living La Vida LocaShane tries to find Shay's parents and enlists the help of Max to do a computer search to track down their father who's disappeared.
Jenny lets down her guard with Stacey (Heather Matarazzo), a journalist from Curve Magazine, who writes a scathing review of her book. After reading it, Jenny freaks out on everyone around her, including Shay who runs away.
Max gets set up with the boss' daughter Brooke (Chelsea Hobbs) and the date becomes too heated. The couple gets interrupted by Brooke's father, which in some ways comes as a relief to Max.
An inconsolable Kit goes to Bette for comfort and sisterly love.
Bette's job as the new Dean at California University's Arts College gets more than she bargained as she finds she has a slew of young admirers, including a pretty blonde TA, Nadia (Jessica Capshaw), who'll do anything to work for Bette.
Bette has her hands full dealing with her formidable new boss Phyllis Kroll (Cybill Shepherd).
With Tina's job at stake, her new boss gives her the ugly task of having to be the one to tell Helena the studio is letting her go.
Alice takes in Helena as a roommate and discovers that Papi (Janina Gavankar), the new hot lesbian lover in town, has no sexual limits.
Ep 4.3 LassoedBette finds it harder and harder to keep the distance between herself and her TA Nadia and finally succumbs to Nadia's flirtations.
Tina and Henry (Steven Eckhold) decide to throw a mixer for all of their friends, gay and straight, except that some friends mix better than others.
Shane runs into red tape as she tries to register Shay into public school.
Obsessed in tracking down Stacey (Heather Matarazzo), the journalist who screwed over Jenny with a malicious review, Jenny gets Max to do a computer search on Stacey's girlfriend, hoping to find dirt and thereby destroy Stacey's credibility.
Angus lands a recording contract and national tour dates then finds out the band wants to replace him with a younger, pretty boy.
After coming out to Bette, Phyllis invites herself to The Planet's Rancho Notorious party and crashes Bette's table where she's convinced that Alice is giving her signals.
Shane gives Helena a job at WAX as a receptionist, but she doesn't quite fit the bill.
After it's obvious that Max isn't going to be invited to Tina & Henry's party, Max takes Shay under his wing and makes him feel at home.
Alice tries to lay down the law and sets boundaries with new roommate Helena.
Ep 4.4 LayUpTotally smitten with her new found sexuality, Bette's scared of the fallout between Alice and Phyllis if things don't go exactly Phyllis' way.
Jenny grows duplicitous when trying to get revenge on Stacey and resorts to enlisting a dying dog in order to meet Stacey's girlfriend, a veterinarian.
Bette's first business with artist-in-residence Jodi Lerner (Marlee Matlin) is asking her to hide a sculpture from an important donor who's ultra-conservative but Jodi's politics can't be suppressed as Bette quickly finds out.
Max tells Brooke about his transition and totally freaks out and storms out of a restaurant.
Papi calls out the girls to a basketball game for West Hollywood rights. But before the girls are completely annihilated, they give it all they've got.
Shay falls off his skateboard and breaks his arm. With no medical insurance, Shane is forced to model men's underwear for a huge Hugo Boss campaign.
Shane reluctantly goes to "back to school" night and finds a friendly face in Paige(Kristanna Loken), a single mom whose son has become Shay's best friend.
Tina comes out to support the girls against Papi, but after Jenny and Bette reject her as a lesbian, Tina crosses sides and joins Papi's team.
Phyllis decides to throw a big fundraising bash at her house and hires Helena as the caterer.
Ep 4.5 Lez GirlsAngus gets drawn into more than he bargained for when Tina's hot German au pair Hazel (Ulla Friis), asks him for guitar lessons.
After Bette makes it clear to Nadia that a repeat performance of their past sexual encounter is never going to happen, Nadia doesn't take Bette's brush off seriously and decides to resign as Bette's TA.
Jodi's hearing impairment doesn't stop her from knowing exactly what's going on which blows Bette's cool stance when all of a sudden Jodi confronts her about her little affair with Nadia.Jenny's published new story entitled 'Lez Girls' in The New Yorker spawns anger from Alice - none of the innocent are protected as the girls' lives are revealed in print.
Phyllis gets paranoid about interpreting an email Alice sent her and asks Bette for her opinion.
Helena frantically preps for Phyllis's fundraiser, but gets so distracted socializing with guests that she forgets hors d'oeuvres in the oven.
Shane takes Shay for a play date with Jared (Jackson Allan) and gets hit on by his beautiful mom, Paige.
Tina tells Bette she saw Angus cheating on Kit.
A mirror doesn't tell lies or hide reality as Max takes a hard look at himself still in a women's body.
Jenny's ploy of using a sick old dog to get to journalist Stacey's girlfriend Lindsay (Caroline Cave) works and leads to a dinner date with the vet.
In a gay club, Stacey and Lindsay walk into the club where Jenny's true identity could be busted until Jenny grabs Papi for a distracting kiss - the impersonation is still on.
After dropping off food for Helena at Phyllis' party, Alice breaks it off with Phyllis after meeting her husband and realizing she doesn't want to be a part of breaking up Phyllis's family.
Ep 4.6 Luck be a LadyShane finds out she totally underestimated the impact and coverage of her underwear modelling as billboards and merchandise hits the street and stores. After all the glitz and glamour of the premiere, Shane finds herself at Paige's table eating meat loaf and feeling relieved.
Bette tries to hold her art program together as Phyllis lashes out at everyone after Alice calls it quits with her.
Shane's Russian Roulette film premiere gets out of control as a phone tree grows to unmanageable proportions as all the girls scramble to get invited.
Papi shows up with her crew to teach Helena, Alice and Shane poker and shares the cardinal rules of the game with the trio.
Papi's friend Tasha (Rose Rollins) shows up at Alice's and punches Alice unintentionally, the result of a flashback to combat action in lraq.
Just as Alice warms up to Tasha, a heartbroken and relentless Phyllis shows up on her doorstep.
As Bette realizes that Jodi's seemingly fearlessness is the place she needs to explore, Bette approaches Jodi and loses herself in a new experience only to find out Jodi has certain likes and dislikes.
Max advises a female co-worker to sue for sexual discrimination over being passed over for a job promotion.
Tina and Bette butt heads when it comes to registering Angelica for preschool.
In order to put the final nail into the relationship of Stacey and Lindsay, Jenny disguises herself as a big time magazine editor and gives Stacey the story of interviewing Shane at the film premiere. Problem is the magazine already has assigned a writer and Stacey is hauled off the red carpet as Jenny scoops up to Santa Barbara to see Lindsay.
Helena tries her hand at lady luck and antes up to a high stakespoker game.
Ep 4.7 Lesson Number OneTasha's flashback to her tour in lraq exposes her vulnerable side.
Jenny uses art as her excuse to write about the personal lives of her friends, much to the chagrin of the girls.
Bette and Jodi rush to Phyllis's side as they try to console her on getting over her first lesbian crush, her coming out affair of the heart.
Although she is broke, Helena has full intention of honoring her debt to Catherine (Sandrine Holt) from losing at poker.
Not realizing Bette didn't tell Kit about Angus' affair with Hazel, Tina finds Kit alone in her office with a full bottle of Vodka.
Max finds it more and more difficult to navigate work and home life.
Shane and Paige address parents at Shay's school about the virtues of tolerance and acceptance after Shay punches out a kid for saying he's gay because Shane is a lesbian.
Max advises Alice to start a blog and make millions in the process.
Alice drops in unexpectedly at Tasha's training base where Tasha takes her up in a Black Hawk helicopter and finds kissing at 4,000 feet is the ultimate high.
After being told that her job is on the line if she doesn't secure the movie rights to Jenny's "Lez Girls" story, Tina persuades Jenny to sign with an agent to seal the deal, only to learn Jenny has decided to start a bidding war, which could leave Tina completely out in the cold.
Ep 4.8 Lexington & ConcordBette and Tina share a tender moment just as Jodi walks in and Tina gets introduced to Bette's new love.
Helena gets back into the high life staying at Catherine's hotel suite alone until Catherine unexpectedly returns demanding that Helena play in a poker game that night.
Shane and Paige become more to each other than skateboarding moms.
At Kit's CD launch party, the duet with Angus falls apart as she can't hold back her pain and anger over his infidelity as she explodes on stage leaving everyone at The Plane stunned.
In classic Papi fashion, she takes advantage of Kit's vulnerable state of mind and takes her to a Latino bar, fuelling her anger over mojitos.
The clash and argument over their opposite views on the lraq war leads to an intense love making session for Alice and Tasha.
Bette feels it maybe gentler on her heart if she cools things off with Jodi.
Alice becomes increasingly concerned that Helena is being pimped out at the poker table by Catherine.
Jenny gets caught off guard by Stacey who accuses her of invading the lives of real people then promptly attacks her in a parking lot in front of her agents.
Ep 4.9 Lacy Lilting LyricsTina and Jenny go on a marathon of interviews to secure the perfect director for "Lez Girls", but get stonewalled over creative differences.
Leonard (Bruce Davison) drops in unexpectedly to Alice's apartment for a tete a tete about Phyllis' coming out, only to find himself in Alice's bedroom surrounded by Helena, Tasha, Papi and Alice who try to impart words of wisdom to ease his broken heart.
Kit breaks through Papi's wall around her heart and Papi falls hard for her.
Catherine increasingly takes advantage of her new golden goose, Helena, who keeps killing at the poker tables. But Helena has yet to see her share of the money.
Angus desperately tries to make amends with Kit, but she's not having any of it.
Gabe (Eric Roberts) takes Shay away and once again, everything in Shane's world is pulled out from under her feet. Alice rushes to be by Shane's side and the two of them paint up Sunset Blvd.
Trying to get her bearings with Jodi, Bette allows her emotions to cloud her judgment and interferes with allocating scholarships, only to learn that she jumped the gun when Jodi tells her she wants to be monogamous.
Max gets the cold shoulder at work from his boss and colleagues.
Ep 4.10 Little Boy BlueCatherine gets a hot tip on a horse and decides to bet all of Helena's winnings on 'The Pink' to win.
Alice finds she may have investors in her website blog - that is until she realizes that there are unwelcome and complicated strings attached to Jenny's involvement.
Max takes newfound friend Grace (Simone Bailly) home to attend her mother's funeral where she faces off against her estranged family who don't know about Moira/Max's transitioning.
In typical Bette style, a simple dinner party to introduce Jodi to the rest of the girls becomes a high-stress catered affair where Bette's Type-A personality rears its ugly head, much to Jodi's disgust.
Kit binge drinks while Angus desperately tries to make her see how sorry he is.
Papi considers expanding her entrepreneurial streak by going into the restaurant business. Tasha realizes that Kit is the object of Papi's affection.
A lonely Shane gets some cheering up from Paige and Jared.
Jenny and Tina finally find the perfect director, Kate Arden (Annabella Sciorra) for "Lez Girls".
Ep 4.11 Literary License to KillJenny's third instalment of "Lez Girls" in the New Yorker delivers a doozy that has Bette seeing red and everyone in the college whispering.
Papi has an unnerving experience in bed with Kit.
Kate Arden (Annabella Sciorra), the director for 'Lez Girls,' tells Tina that Jenny doesn't know how to write a screenplay.
Bette learns from a press release that Jodi may be leaving to accept an invitation from an art center back east and gives her the ice cold shoulder without giving Jodi any chance to explain.
Flashbacks to her duty in lraq haunt Tasha's and Alice's heads.
Max gets taken off a big account while he's at his mother's funeral and decides to call it quits working for Intechmode.
Tasha is warned by her commanding officer to keep her sexual orientation in the closet.
Helena gets kicked out of Catherine's hotel suite while she's away in Geneva.
Leonard tells Phyllis he'll take her back and even enlists the help of their daughter Molly (Clementine Ford, Cybill Shepherd's real daughter), except Phyllis has no interest in reconciling...ever!
Kit hears a blast of honesty from Angus.
Shane plans a surprise for Paige at The Planet just as Goldfrapp hit the stage.
Tina and Henry have a heart-to-heart talk about their relationship.
Ep 4.12 Long Time ComingPaige decides it's time to confess the truth to Jared about her relationship with Shane, which leads Shane to consider a more permanent solution.
Alice has a hard time accepting that Tasha is heading back to lraq for another tour of duty and feels betrayed that she never revealed her intentions of returning to war before allowing Alice to fall in love with her.
Helena looks for a way out from Catherine's financial clutches and seizes an opportunity with both hands to get out of the gambling high life.
Papi helps spearhead a beach side going away party for Tasha.
Bette gets a heaping dose of honesty from Tina when she looks to her for advice on wooing back Jodi who's left for upstate New York.
Tina returns to the lesbian fold and Kate Arden let's her know she's interested, but Tina has eyes for someone else.
Phyllis gets more than legal advice when she pursues a divorce from Leonard.
Fearing that Jenny may cause the studio to pull out of producing 'Lez Girls,' Tina and Kate Arden decide to exclude her from a meeting with executives, but Jenny uncovers their plans and barges in anyhow. But Kate's also got a surprise for Jenny.
Max decides to go to San Francisco to get his surgery underway.
Похоже всё будет крайне спокойно и мирно)
Жаль только будет СЛИШКОМ много Макса... зато чудно, что хоть Дженни точно останется в живых=)
Можно и перевести, если кому-то ну совсем нифига не понятно))
Ep 4.1 Legend in the makingAs Season 4 opens on THE L WORD, Bette, fearing the worst, flees with baby Angelica. The girls rally together to stage an intervention to prevent Tina from having Bette arrested, however there's one big problem - no one knows where Bette is.
Divorce lawyer Joyce Wischnia (Jane Lynch) brokers a tentative custody settlement between Bette and Tina in order to spare them a very lengthy, very public and very controversial court case.
A pregnant Kit and Angus make a tough decision and go to a Women's Health Care Center and instead of getting non-judgmental medical attention, Kit comes face to face with ultra right-wing pro-lifers.
After running out on Carmen at the altar, Shane gets reeled back into the highlife with Cherie Jaffe (Rosanna Arquette). After binging on drugs and alcohol, Shane spirals out of control as she takes off in Cherie's Jaguar and crashes it on the Santa Ana Freeway.
Jenny's book signing party at The Planet is interrupted when in walks Marina.
After Peggy Peabody (Holland Taylor) decides to cut the purse strings to the family's fortune, Helena wrestles with trying to deal with her new financial reality. She turns to Alice who attempts to make her live within her newly defined budget which is much less than what she's been accustomed to.
Max and Jenny come to realize that what once brought them together is no longer true as they try to
understand the consequences of Max's FTM transition.
After Shane's father walks out on his wife, Carla (Sarah-Jane Redmond) decides to visit Shane and disappear into the night, leaving little brother Shay (Aidan Jarrar) sleeping on her back porch.
Ep 4.2 Living La Vida LocaShane tries to find Shay's parents and enlists the help of Max to do a computer search to track down their father who's disappeared.
Jenny lets down her guard with Stacey (Heather Matarazzo), a journalist from Curve Magazine, who writes a scathing review of her book. After reading it, Jenny freaks out on everyone around her, including Shay who runs away.
Max gets set up with the boss' daughter Brooke (Chelsea Hobbs) and the date becomes too heated. The couple gets interrupted by Brooke's father, which in some ways comes as a relief to Max.
An inconsolable Kit goes to Bette for comfort and sisterly love.
Bette's job as the new Dean at California University's Arts College gets more than she bargained as she finds she has a slew of young admirers, including a pretty blonde TA, Nadia (Jessica Capshaw), who'll do anything to work for Bette.
Bette has her hands full dealing with her formidable new boss Phyllis Kroll (Cybill Shepherd).
With Tina's job at stake, her new boss gives her the ugly task of having to be the one to tell Helena the studio is letting her go.
Alice takes in Helena as a roommate and discovers that Papi (Janina Gavankar), the new hot lesbian lover in town, has no sexual limits.
Ep 4.3 LassoedBette finds it harder and harder to keep the distance between herself and her TA Nadia and finally succumbs to Nadia's flirtations.
Tina and Henry (Steven Eckhold) decide to throw a mixer for all of their friends, gay and straight, except that some friends mix better than others.
Shane runs into red tape as she tries to register Shay into public school.
Obsessed in tracking down Stacey (Heather Matarazzo), the journalist who screwed over Jenny with a malicious review, Jenny gets Max to do a computer search on Stacey's girlfriend, hoping to find dirt and thereby destroy Stacey's credibility.
Angus lands a recording contract and national tour dates then finds out the band wants to replace him with a younger, pretty boy.
After coming out to Bette, Phyllis invites herself to The Planet's Rancho Notorious party and crashes Bette's table where she's convinced that Alice is giving her signals.
Shane gives Helena a job at WAX as a receptionist, but she doesn't quite fit the bill.
After it's obvious that Max isn't going to be invited to Tina & Henry's party, Max takes Shay under his wing and makes him feel at home.
Alice tries to lay down the law and sets boundaries with new roommate Helena.
Ep 4.4 LayUpTotally smitten with her new found sexuality, Bette's scared of the fallout between Alice and Phyllis if things don't go exactly Phyllis' way.
Jenny grows duplicitous when trying to get revenge on Stacey and resorts to enlisting a dying dog in order to meet Stacey's girlfriend, a veterinarian.
Bette's first business with artist-in-residence Jodi Lerner (Marlee Matlin) is asking her to hide a sculpture from an important donor who's ultra-conservative but Jodi's politics can't be suppressed as Bette quickly finds out.
Max tells Brooke about his transition and totally freaks out and storms out of a restaurant.
Papi calls out the girls to a basketball game for West Hollywood rights. But before the girls are completely annihilated, they give it all they've got.
Shay falls off his skateboard and breaks his arm. With no medical insurance, Shane is forced to model men's underwear for a huge Hugo Boss campaign.
Shane reluctantly goes to "back to school" night and finds a friendly face in Paige(Kristanna Loken), a single mom whose son has become Shay's best friend.
Tina comes out to support the girls against Papi, but after Jenny and Bette reject her as a lesbian, Tina crosses sides and joins Papi's team.
Phyllis decides to throw a big fundraising bash at her house and hires Helena as the caterer.
Ep 4.5 Lez GirlsAngus gets drawn into more than he bargained for when Tina's hot German au pair Hazel (Ulla Friis), asks him for guitar lessons.
After Bette makes it clear to Nadia that a repeat performance of their past sexual encounter is never going to happen, Nadia doesn't take Bette's brush off seriously and decides to resign as Bette's TA.
Jodi's hearing impairment doesn't stop her from knowing exactly what's going on which blows Bette's cool stance when all of a sudden Jodi confronts her about her little affair with Nadia.Jenny's published new story entitled 'Lez Girls' in The New Yorker spawns anger from Alice - none of the innocent are protected as the girls' lives are revealed in print.
Phyllis gets paranoid about interpreting an email Alice sent her and asks Bette for her opinion.
Helena frantically preps for Phyllis's fundraiser, but gets so distracted socializing with guests that she forgets hors d'oeuvres in the oven.
Shane takes Shay for a play date with Jared (Jackson Allan) and gets hit on by his beautiful mom, Paige.
Tina tells Bette she saw Angus cheating on Kit.
A mirror doesn't tell lies or hide reality as Max takes a hard look at himself still in a women's body.
Jenny's ploy of using a sick old dog to get to journalist Stacey's girlfriend Lindsay (Caroline Cave) works and leads to a dinner date with the vet.
In a gay club, Stacey and Lindsay walk into the club where Jenny's true identity could be busted until Jenny grabs Papi for a distracting kiss - the impersonation is still on.
After dropping off food for Helena at Phyllis' party, Alice breaks it off with Phyllis after meeting her husband and realizing she doesn't want to be a part of breaking up Phyllis's family.
Ep 4.6 Luck be a LadyShane finds out she totally underestimated the impact and coverage of her underwear modelling as billboards and merchandise hits the street and stores. After all the glitz and glamour of the premiere, Shane finds herself at Paige's table eating meat loaf and feeling relieved.
Bette tries to hold her art program together as Phyllis lashes out at everyone after Alice calls it quits with her.
Shane's Russian Roulette film premiere gets out of control as a phone tree grows to unmanageable proportions as all the girls scramble to get invited.
Papi shows up with her crew to teach Helena, Alice and Shane poker and shares the cardinal rules of the game with the trio.
Papi's friend Tasha (Rose Rollins) shows up at Alice's and punches Alice unintentionally, the result of a flashback to combat action in lraq.
Just as Alice warms up to Tasha, a heartbroken and relentless Phyllis shows up on her doorstep.
As Bette realizes that Jodi's seemingly fearlessness is the place she needs to explore, Bette approaches Jodi and loses herself in a new experience only to find out Jodi has certain likes and dislikes.
Max advises a female co-worker to sue for sexual discrimination over being passed over for a job promotion.
Tina and Bette butt heads when it comes to registering Angelica for preschool.
In order to put the final nail into the relationship of Stacey and Lindsay, Jenny disguises herself as a big time magazine editor and gives Stacey the story of interviewing Shane at the film premiere. Problem is the magazine already has assigned a writer and Stacey is hauled off the red carpet as Jenny scoops up to Santa Barbara to see Lindsay.
Helena tries her hand at lady luck and antes up to a high stakespoker game.
Ep 4.7 Lesson Number OneTasha's flashback to her tour in lraq exposes her vulnerable side.
Jenny uses art as her excuse to write about the personal lives of her friends, much to the chagrin of the girls.
Bette and Jodi rush to Phyllis's side as they try to console her on getting over her first lesbian crush, her coming out affair of the heart.
Although she is broke, Helena has full intention of honoring her debt to Catherine (Sandrine Holt) from losing at poker.
Not realizing Bette didn't tell Kit about Angus' affair with Hazel, Tina finds Kit alone in her office with a full bottle of Vodka.
Max finds it more and more difficult to navigate work and home life.
Shane and Paige address parents at Shay's school about the virtues of tolerance and acceptance after Shay punches out a kid for saying he's gay because Shane is a lesbian.
Max advises Alice to start a blog and make millions in the process.
Alice drops in unexpectedly at Tasha's training base where Tasha takes her up in a Black Hawk helicopter and finds kissing at 4,000 feet is the ultimate high.
After being told that her job is on the line if she doesn't secure the movie rights to Jenny's "Lez Girls" story, Tina persuades Jenny to sign with an agent to seal the deal, only to learn Jenny has decided to start a bidding war, which could leave Tina completely out in the cold.
Ep 4.8 Lexington & ConcordBette and Tina share a tender moment just as Jodi walks in and Tina gets introduced to Bette's new love.
Helena gets back into the high life staying at Catherine's hotel suite alone until Catherine unexpectedly returns demanding that Helena play in a poker game that night.
Shane and Paige become more to each other than skateboarding moms.
At Kit's CD launch party, the duet with Angus falls apart as she can't hold back her pain and anger over his infidelity as she explodes on stage leaving everyone at The Plane stunned.
In classic Papi fashion, she takes advantage of Kit's vulnerable state of mind and takes her to a Latino bar, fuelling her anger over mojitos.
The clash and argument over their opposite views on the lraq war leads to an intense love making session for Alice and Tasha.
Bette feels it maybe gentler on her heart if she cools things off with Jodi.
Alice becomes increasingly concerned that Helena is being pimped out at the poker table by Catherine.
Jenny gets caught off guard by Stacey who accuses her of invading the lives of real people then promptly attacks her in a parking lot in front of her agents.
Ep 4.9 Lacy Lilting LyricsTina and Jenny go on a marathon of interviews to secure the perfect director for "Lez Girls", but get stonewalled over creative differences.
Leonard (Bruce Davison) drops in unexpectedly to Alice's apartment for a tete a tete about Phyllis' coming out, only to find himself in Alice's bedroom surrounded by Helena, Tasha, Papi and Alice who try to impart words of wisdom to ease his broken heart.
Kit breaks through Papi's wall around her heart and Papi falls hard for her.
Catherine increasingly takes advantage of her new golden goose, Helena, who keeps killing at the poker tables. But Helena has yet to see her share of the money.
Angus desperately tries to make amends with Kit, but she's not having any of it.
Gabe (Eric Roberts) takes Shay away and once again, everything in Shane's world is pulled out from under her feet. Alice rushes to be by Shane's side and the two of them paint up Sunset Blvd.
Trying to get her bearings with Jodi, Bette allows her emotions to cloud her judgment and interferes with allocating scholarships, only to learn that she jumped the gun when Jodi tells her she wants to be monogamous.
Max gets the cold shoulder at work from his boss and colleagues.
Ep 4.10 Little Boy BlueCatherine gets a hot tip on a horse and decides to bet all of Helena's winnings on 'The Pink' to win.
Alice finds she may have investors in her website blog - that is until she realizes that there are unwelcome and complicated strings attached to Jenny's involvement.
Max takes newfound friend Grace (Simone Bailly) home to attend her mother's funeral where she faces off against her estranged family who don't know about Moira/Max's transitioning.
In typical Bette style, a simple dinner party to introduce Jodi to the rest of the girls becomes a high-stress catered affair where Bette's Type-A personality rears its ugly head, much to Jodi's disgust.
Kit binge drinks while Angus desperately tries to make her see how sorry he is.
Papi considers expanding her entrepreneurial streak by going into the restaurant business. Tasha realizes that Kit is the object of Papi's affection.
A lonely Shane gets some cheering up from Paige and Jared.
Jenny and Tina finally find the perfect director, Kate Arden (Annabella Sciorra) for "Lez Girls".
Ep 4.11 Literary License to KillJenny's third instalment of "Lez Girls" in the New Yorker delivers a doozy that has Bette seeing red and everyone in the college whispering.
Papi has an unnerving experience in bed with Kit.
Kate Arden (Annabella Sciorra), the director for 'Lez Girls,' tells Tina that Jenny doesn't know how to write a screenplay.
Bette learns from a press release that Jodi may be leaving to accept an invitation from an art center back east and gives her the ice cold shoulder without giving Jodi any chance to explain.
Flashbacks to her duty in lraq haunt Tasha's and Alice's heads.
Max gets taken off a big account while he's at his mother's funeral and decides to call it quits working for Intechmode.
Tasha is warned by her commanding officer to keep her sexual orientation in the closet.
Helena gets kicked out of Catherine's hotel suite while she's away in Geneva.
Leonard tells Phyllis he'll take her back and even enlists the help of their daughter Molly (Clementine Ford, Cybill Shepherd's real daughter), except Phyllis has no interest in reconciling...ever!
Kit hears a blast of honesty from Angus.
Shane plans a surprise for Paige at The Planet just as Goldfrapp hit the stage.
Tina and Henry have a heart-to-heart talk about their relationship.
Ep 4.12 Long Time ComingPaige decides it's time to confess the truth to Jared about her relationship with Shane, which leads Shane to consider a more permanent solution.
Alice has a hard time accepting that Tasha is heading back to lraq for another tour of duty and feels betrayed that she never revealed her intentions of returning to war before allowing Alice to fall in love with her.
Helena looks for a way out from Catherine's financial clutches and seizes an opportunity with both hands to get out of the gambling high life.
Papi helps spearhead a beach side going away party for Tasha.
Bette gets a heaping dose of honesty from Tina when she looks to her for advice on wooing back Jodi who's left for upstate New York.
Tina returns to the lesbian fold and Kate Arden let's her know she's interested, but Tina has eyes for someone else.
Phyllis gets more than legal advice when she pursues a divorce from Leonard.
Fearing that Jenny may cause the studio to pull out of producing 'Lez Girls,' Tina and Kate Arden decide to exclude her from a meeting with executives, but Jenny uncovers their plans and barges in anyhow. But Kate's also got a surprise for Jenny.
Max decides to go to San Francisco to get his surgery underway.
Похоже всё будет крайне спокойно и мирно)
Жаль только будет СЛИШКОМ много Макса... зато чудно, что хоть Дженни точно останется в живых=)
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Cowboys in the 2012 ready and 2013 salt has been fined $5 million salary servilely space. Sometimes non-standard due to the restructuring unmatched forte WeiWei er, stretched close witten, to the utmost receiver Austin, Angle sentry brandon - Karl and center Ryan cooke's promise, the cowboys to absolved in default the $20 million compensation servilely space.
Redeem as regards the team salary spell most is Karl. Carl model year as a free ingredient signing and cowboys Thursday, the yoke will he 2013 mature proper practically all emolument ($14.3 million) are transformed into signing bonus. The salary, dropped to $1 million, and $5 million plunder thinks fitting be in the engage the remaining few years installment payment, the troupe prevent $4 million wages cover humbly space. Austin crease saved 4 million us dollars, and witten corrugate also lay $3.6 million.
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