L word Gals play "who would you do?"
"L Word" stars Leisha Hailey, Kate Moennig and Kelly Lynch recently sat down with PlanetOut entertainment editor Jenny Stewart to a breakfast of granola and berries and played everyone's favorite sex game, "Who would you rather sleep with?"
read moreAngelina Jolie or Gina Gershon?
Kate: Angelina Jolie, hands down. Uh, please.
Leisha: Yeah. Duh!
Kelly: (Nods head; no answer is needed.)
OK, so everyone agrees?
Leisha: I don't think that's ... even a question.
Kate: I mean, yeah. I mean, really.
Susan Sarandon or Catherine Deneuve?
Kate: Susan. I mean, Catherine. I mean ...
Leisha: Susan Sarandon. Yes.
Kate: Yeah, Susan. Sarandon.
Kelly: Catherine Deneuve. Not even close.
Kate: Man, this is a fun game.
Jenny: Jessica Lange or Meryl Streep?
Kate (immediately): Jessica. LANGE.
Leisha (Two-second pause, then a smile): Jessica Lange.
Kelly (immediately): Meryl Streep.
Kate: You're talking about sexually, correct?
Yes. It's whom would you rather sleep with. Jennifer Aniston or Courteney Cox?
Leisha (adamant): Jennifer Aniston, in a second.
Kate: Neither.
Really? Kelly?
Kelly: (Nods. Everyone laughs.)
Kate (laughs): I'm sorry, I just ... I can't explain. You can't just have one "Friend."
Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie?
Kate: Angelina Jo-lie.
Kelly: Angelina. Please!
Leisha: Don't even, like, put Angelina with anyone else!
Kate: Angelina. On the show. As my mother. Wait, I mean girlfriend. I can't waste her on my mother.
Jennifer Beals or Julia Roberts?
Leisha: Oh. Jennifer!
Kate: Beals.
Kelly: (Nods.)
I guess I need to stop with the Julia Roberts thing. OK, one more: Julia Roberts or Reese Witherspoon?
Leisha: (no reply)
Kate: (no reply)
Kelly: (looks at water)
Really, not Reese at all? "Freeway?"
Kate (giving in): I love "Freeway."
Kelly (guilty): "Election."
Leisha: Reese.
Everyone: Yeah.
Kate: But not "Legally Blonde," no.
Patricia Clarkson or Radha Mitchell?
Kate: Patricia Clarkson.
Leisha: Radha Mitchell.
Kelly: Radha Mitchell.
Ally Sheedy or Radha Mitchell?
Kate: Radha Mitchell.
Leisha: Radha Mitchell.
Kelly: Radha Mitchell.
God, isn't she just so beautiful?
Kate: She is.
Patricia Clarkson or Susan Sarandon
Kate: Patricia Clarkson.
Leisha: Susan Sarandon.
Kelly (long pause, then): Oy. (Everyone laughs.) I don't know!
Will you do men?
All at once: Yes!
Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
All at once: Johnny Depp!
Colin Farrell or Johnny Depp?
Kate and Leisha: Johnny Depp!
I guess no one's going to beat Johnny Depp with you guys.
Kelly (pause): Wait. Hold on. I have a girlfriend who got together with Colin Farrell, and the report from the night was so great that ... I think I'm going to have to go with Colin Farrell. From all the great firsthand information I got -- and it was all pretty good -- I think I'm going to have to deviate and go with Colin Farrell. But other than that, I'd have to say that Johnny Depp is the man.
Leisha: Johnny's the man.
Kate: Yeah, Johnny is beyond words.
Britney Spears or Pink?
Kelly: Pink.
Kate: Nightmare. As long as Britney didn't sing to me.
Leisha: I'd go with Pink, I guess.
Kate: Yeah.
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